
This page is for testing a quick hack: how would it be possible to twist the standard PmWiki skin into a standard looking modern website?
Such an expression, and such a goal, should probably be taken with a large amount of flexibility ;-)
Actually, it seems to me that the main difference between PmWiki basic skin and a more recent looking website, is the navigation list: a vertical list on the left in the first case, and a top horizontal trail of links in the second. See google.org to get the idea, or even google for more.

It would be advisable to provide at least a basic 2-levels horizontal menu (see this example), .

For the sake of this small experiment, I first tried and learn how to move nodes in the DOM with Javascript. Later I tried here. My main goal was to move the sidebar to the header, more or less. A proof of concept basically with a few lines of javascript, but of course more tech-savvy people could do it in much better ways.

This test mainly evolves around one single line:

document.getElementById('wikilogo').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', document.getElementById('wikisidebar'));

While it would be easy (for an intermediate to expert user) to craft such a look by hand using the many (and good) tools available on PmWiki, I wonder if it would be feasible to offer the PmWiki-responsive skin in two flavours, to start with: say traditional and horizontal menu. By the push of a button or, a little more sensibly, perhaps by a simple setting in config.php

Thus, all those people ditching PmWiki just because "it looks old" will be persuaded to give it a try ;-)
In my experience, this might make a difference.

This test just targets normal width screens. A proof of concept, nothing more.