
Welcome to PmWiki!

This is a standard, plain install of pmwiki-2.3.32 with the PmWiki-responsive skin.

This page complements this entry on the PmWiki mailing list.

The only extra feature is HTML enabled in wiki pages, as a quick way to hack the look of the pages with a few lines of code.
This is just for prototyping and by no means it is intended to be the right way to approach the matter.
Perhaps the HTML/JS/CSS/whatever code could most conveniently be placed in Site.SkinElements? in a further test, something like


or anywhere else, or in another way, but again this is only a proof of concept here.

Sidebar navigation links here are just a simple unordered list.
I am not sure why %sidehead% links are used outside of a list in PmWiki; maybe for historical reasons. Perhaps a simple, nested list would be better, today?

In order to test how this skin might change it's look on the fly, visit the QuickSkin page.